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UCC General Synod 2021

Join us for watch parties in Plymouth's Althaus Chapel.

What is General Synod?

The General Synod is described by the Constitution of the United Church of Christ with these words: “The General Synod is the gathering of a faith community representative of the wider church to listen for and discern the call of God to the United Church of Christ. The General Synod deliberates, discerns, and identifies the mission of the wider church of the United Church of Christ in God’s world and receives and offers suggestions, invitations, challenges, and assistance in covenant with Local Churches, Conferences, and other settings as they engage in mission together.”

As the representative body of the United Church of Christ, the General Synod meets every two years with elected voting delegates of lay members and clergy from Conferences and non-voting associate delegates, members of the UCC Board of Directors, and delegates named by the Historically Underrepresented Groups. All voting delegates are members of a UCC local church. The General Synod considers resolutions that will direct the priorities and mission of the denomination as it speaks for the denomination to (not for) its congregations and to the world.

For the first time, General Synod 33 of the United Church of Christ will be held virtually this July 11 Virtual participation will allow many thousands of UCC members and congregations to gather for General Synod under the theme “Rooted in Love.” General Synod planners have said to expect “the vibrancy of Spirit-led worship with prophetic preaching, music and art-filled experiences and Spirit-filled energy in an engaging meeting for the business and forward-momentum of the UCC as it takes action to make the world a better place.”

Plymouth Church’s four Watch Parties will provide an experience to share with others as we watch some of the happenings at General Synod (with no registration fees). The Watch Parties will be in the Chapel using the church’s south entrance on Vermont Street. Plan your schedule now to join co-hosts Fred Kandeler and Phillip Kroh for the Watch Parties. Go on-line to and click the General Synod 33 tab for individual registration options, the full agenda, the resolutions being considered, and other vital information.

Plymouth Will Host Four Watch Parties

Join us at Plymouth to watch the General Synod for watch parties on the following dates:

  • Sunday, July 11: 4 - 5:30 pm. Opening Worship with Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr. preaching, Former Executive Directors of UCC Commission for Racial Justice and NAACP. Following Opening Worship at 5:30 - 8:30 pm we will watch the Opening Plenary

  • Monday, July 12: 7 - 8:30 pm. Keynote Speaker Valarie Kohr, a social justice activist who leads campaigns for civil and human rights.

  • Friday, July 16: 7 - 8:30 pm. Keynote Speaker Adam Russell Taylor, President of Sojourners and author of Mobilizing Hope: Faith-Inspired Activism for a Post-Civil Rights Generation

  • Sunday, July 18: 5 - 7:00 pm. Closing Worship with Karen Georgia Thompson preaching, UCC Associate General Minister of Wider Church Ministries and Operations

Register to Attend the Full Synod

Follow the link here to learn more and register for the Synod's full schedule of events.


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