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Plymouth Men's Fellowship

The Plymouth Men's Fellowship will now be meeting on the third Tuesdays of every month at noon in Room 202N. Each month, we will meet for a time of food and fellowship, and when available, a short program. We will meet for one hour dismissing at 1pm. Plan to bring your sack lunch and drink on Tuesday and use the north door entrance on Vermont using the door code of 1104#.

Tuesday, October 15, is the first meeting on this new schedule.

After a time of food and fellowship, Fred Kandeler will share a brief program to update PMF on the recent (October 4 and 5) annual meeting of the UCC Kansas Oklahoma Conference that he attended when it met in Wichita, KS. Of special interest and concern is the upcoming national meeting of the UCC General Synod that will meet in Kansas City on July 11 - 15, 2025. Local arrangements will need many volunteers to make possible an extravagant welcome from the hosts, the Kansas Oklahoma Conference and the Missouri Mid-South Conference.  


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