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Begin Your Child's

Faith Journey

Sunday School

Plymouth offers Sunday school for PreK - High School


Confirmation is one of the significant milestones in a young person’s faith journey. The process of confirmation transitions our young people (7th-9th grade) into Christian adults. As a church, we take our responsibility seriously to give our young people the opportunity at confirmation to say “yes” or “no” to the vows you made on their behalf at their baptism.


During confirmation, the class will learn about our faith and Plymouth history. They will learn about other faith traditions, participate in worship, have a mentor from within the church, and most importantly, support amazing teachers and pastors. To learn more visit our Youth Ministry Page

Our Whole Lives Sexuality Education

Our Whole Lives (OWL) is a comprehensive age-appropriate sexuality education program created by the United Church of Christ and the Unitarian Universalist Association.  Plymouth has been offering OWL classes since 2008.  Plymouth currently offers OWL classes for four age groups in alternating years. If you would like more information about OWL, visit this link. 

Service and Fellowship Opportunities for Kids

Plymouth provides opportunities for service, fellowship, and faith formation with unique programming like Valentine outreach, 3rd grade Bible class, birthday bags for Head Start, Climate education, participation in the Christmas pageant, serving in worship, and other opportunities. 

Stepping Stones

Stepping Stones is a three-session mini-course on raising a healthy baby. Study the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of your little one. Share joys and struggles with others going through the same phase of parenting. 

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