Gathering in Fellowship
We need your help to extend a radical welcome to everyone who wants to worship and be in community with us here at Plymouth! You can Join a Plymouth Welcome Team and show folks hospitality as they move from the church doors to the sanctuary. Or you can become a Fellowship Hour Host! The time between the first service and Gathering of Grace is a sacred space for laughter and fellowship. So come help people make connections!
Esther's Bakers
Sometimes Plymouth needs cookies! Sign up here to be on the volunteer mailing list; if we have a fellowship event or funeral, we will send you a cookie request! Thanks for sharing your baking skills with the congregation.
Share Your Time & Talents
Whether you have a passion for singing, baking, media, teaching, you name it, share your talents with our community! In doing so, you will make Plymouth all the more vibrant and alive. Donations of time and talents are every bit as important as monetary donations to the life and health of the church.

Meal Train Ministry
Plymouth's Fellowship Board invites you to be there with food for people in our congregation who need care. Whether a family is welcoming a new baby or someone is dealing with severe illness or grief, we want to make sure that they experience the love of the Plymouth community. So whenever we need a few meals, we will send out a signup sheet and invite you to contribute. Thank you for your support!
Mental Health Resource Team
As a faith community that embraces inclusion and compassion for all, it’s essential that we take intentional steps to understand and genuinely support those among us who are struggling with mental health issues. Plymouth formed its own Mental Wellness Resource Team, comprising volunteer members of our congregation committed to serving those experiencing the pain of mental illness, personally or within their family. To learn more about the Mental Wellness Resource Team, to volunteer, or to seek support for yourself or your family, contact Pastor of Care & Welcome Rev. Heather Coates by using the link below.
WeCare Funeral Support
The WeCare Funeral Support ministry works with families to host a small reception after funerals at Plymouth. Their mission is to create an intentional space for people to gather, share light refreshments, and remember the person they love if you would like to be a part of this beautiful and important ministry.
How Can We Pray for You?
If you or someone you know is struggling or in need of prayer, fill out the prayer card above. With this prayer card, you can:
Share Your Name with the Prayer Team
On the second and fourth Mondays of the month, the Prayer Team gathers
to pray for folks in our congregation. If you would like to join the
Prayer Team, sign up here.
Connect with the Pastors
If you are having a tough time and would like to receive some pastoral care, let us know on the prayer card.
Request a Stephen Minister
Stephen Ministry consists of trained, caring lay leaders that provide high-quality, one-to-one, Christ-centered care to people in the congregation and the community experiencing life difficulties. Stephen Ministry is not therapy, but it is an opportunity for you to talk through your problems with someone that will listen with empathy.
Receive a Prayer Shawl
Plymouth's Prayer Shawl Ministry knits and crochets lovely prayer shawls to pass on to struggling people or those experiencing grief. If you are interested in making prayer shawls to bless and pass on to people in the congregation, sign up here.