Our History
Forged in the fight to end slavery in the United States, Plymouth Church has stood since 1854 as a tireless Congregational cathedral of progressive Christianity in Lawrence, Kansas.
It's a mission we carry into our third century as we aim to live out the Gospels in both word and deed, committed to following a loving God as a community of faith proudly open to all who seek to share in it.
Our Beliefs
Plymouth is a congregation that speaks its mind. In the service of and belief in a loving and accepting God, we gladly own our role as disciples of Jesus Christ in our respective time and place in the world.
From our pulpit to our pews, and through our doors the strength of our unified voice proudly bursts forth in a defiant act of reclamation of the conversation on what it means to be a Christian in the 21st Century.
Plymouth is a member congregation of the United Church of Christ.

Our Commitment to Being an Open & Affirming Congregation
Inspired by our history, we have sought to be a community gathered for the worship of God and the service of all, not just for those who identify as heterosexual, but truly for all individuals and couples, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and straight. We work and pray for the progress of knowledge, the promotion of justice, and the realization of our shared humanity. We extend our extravagant welcome and the bounds of love. We are blessed to be a community of faith through which God is still speaking.